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There are two ways to identify paths:

  1. Absolute pathname An absolute pathname begins with the root directory and follows the tree, branch by branch, until it reaches the desired directory or file. Absolute paths always start with /.
  2. Relative pathname A relative pathname starts from the present working directory. Relative paths never start with /.

Multiple slashes (/) between directories and files are allowed, but all but one slash between elements in the pathname is ignored by the system. ////usr//bin is valid, but seen as /usr/bin by the system. Most of the time, it is most convenient to use relative paths, which require less typing.

Usually, you take advantage of the shortcuts provided by:

. (present directory)

.. (parent directory)

~ (your home directory).

For example, suppose you are currently working in your home directory and wish to move to the /usr/bin directory. The following two ways will bring you to the same directory from your home directory: Absolute pathname method

 cd /usr/bin

Relative pathname method

cd ../../usr/bin